Being one of the most asked questions and also one of the important problem patterns on LeetCode, the product of array except self problem has become a subject of interest for this blog. It uses a modification of a general approach called prefix sum as an optimal solution. Let’s dive into it! Problem Statement You can find the problem statement here: Product of Array except Self - LeetCode... continue reading
The Contains Duplicate problem on LeetCode is again one of the most asked questions and has the distinction to be on the Blind Community curated 75 questions list and therefore it makes it a subject of this blog’s interest. While it looks simple at first glance, there are a few things that need to be noted and will be helpful further in your journey through LeetCode. Let’s dive into it! Prob... continue reading
As “Hello, World!” is to Programming, so is the Two Sum problem to LeetCode. Any blog series or YouTube channel targeted towards solving LeetCode problems has to first pay deference to this problem. It is therefore implied that this blog series will be no different. So let’s just jump right into it. Problem Statement Given an array of integers, return indices of the two numbers such that th... continue reading